
Sunday, 3 September 2017

Sand & Sea.

How to write a blog,For me it’s not the easiest task in the world !

 I travel light so I only have a Android phone to work of,  I think  building my own page will take some time and I am sure the page will change over the course as I blog.

I left the U.K in April 2016 on my own as usual, venturing into some truly amazing places that are very remote and equally hard to get to. They have been extremely rewarding and sometimes dangerous pushing the boundaries as much as I dared to, meeting people from different walks of life who have extremely different views has been a great opportunity to learn. Travel books do not write about such places for your Embassy's would advice greatly against travel to such destination's, thoses places I will hold dearly to my heart.

Right now you could say I am taking a slightly easier approach to travel. I am in Spain killing some time waiting for my next adventure to begin, that I have rumbling around in my head that is greatly putting  a smile on my face and making my feet yet again very unsettled.

I like Spain, the Spanish people and the way of life, okay it takes some getting use to Mañana Mañana ! But hey all the same you get use to it and there siestas ! Spain is such a diverse place. I use to think it was all sun sea and sand, but when I finally traveled here properly back in 2005, I found an extraordinary country full of strong culture, a huge range of scenery from Mountains to dry barren land to great rivers and beautiful forests. The old parts of Spain are truly enchanting with their old cobbled streets that wind and twist through out North, East, South, West, that seem guarded by overlooked townhouse that are decorated with stone white wash walls and the most beautiful arrangement of pot plants that I have seen to date, water fountains dot the streets and hidden corners of this beautiful country that they name proudly “Spain” The spanish themselves are extremely proud people very patriotic it’s great and very warming to see and be surrounded by.

I love experiencing their way of life and of course the sun or snow depending on the place. The age dot the benches hidden by the shade of the trees chatting away, laughing and joking and perhaps talking of how times have changed, In the hours where the heat is dimmed they play bowls and drink  coffee sharing times of friendship with one another. How their life seems relaxed !

I have been hanging around an area lately where many tourists are, organizing myself, updating one would call it as it's been awhile since I last brought any clothes, they all seem to be hanging of me even my socks walked of and left me just the other day ! All the same it has given me the time to sit back and relax instead of being on the constant move.  It’s nice to see people laying on the beach chilling laughing, lapping up the sun as  it beats down in it’s 29°c  blaze of glory here on the Costa del sol where the sangria and much more flow like a torrent river at times.

For me I sit here chilling watching the world go by listening to the odd conversation as they walk past me watching very carefully what money I have! Some muttering away about what they will have for tea tonight, others whether  the the beer is in the fridge for tonight and where they will eat. Sure many tourist still walk around with their proud bright pink skin looking as if a fishmonger has picked them up and plonked them into a boiling crab pot preparing them and dressing them for supper.

Some look at me and don't really know what to make as they look at my tattered clothing and smell that is now actually visible, that does not need the talent of a noise to work out. “It's not really that bad” I nod and smile with my worn rucksack beside me accompanied by my trekking boots that are kicked off to one side, sunnies on writing this to be blog happy and content, it's fun that's for sure looking from the other side of life.

May be I should book myself into a hostel but it’s not my style and I can't afford the €15-€20 plus a night hostel or hotel, let alone the strong possibility of heavy snoring backpackers and bright lights getting switched on at silly o'clock in the morning because they have forgot what manners are and a red light on a head torch !

Right now I can hear the distant call of the  Andalusian mountains calling, The sunsets light them golden orange colours, they are truly hard to ignore so I will see what the next few weeks bring.

I will aim to post each Sunday hope my first blog is a good start. Enjoy !


  1. Shaun that was a fantastic read and I am inspired by your travels as I too wanted to travel I am not to good with reading or spelling but I had no problem reading your blog mate what a fantastic job keep it up I was in Malaga up in the mountains about a month ago and I could of just got a bag and just started walking I may well do that one day take care and look forward to u next blog ��

  2. Hello Ian, thankyou for your comment all the best.

  3. What a lovely read. I almost felt like I was there. Can't wait for next Sunday . You're a fabulous writer & you've done so well with the spelling. Well done 👍

    1. Thanks Natalie for your lovely words. I am laying here looking up at the stars that have not yet gone away, whilst listening to the mediterranean sea as it's waves gently touch base thinking of my next journey that I will write about for next Sunday. 😊

  4. Great start to your blog Shauny! Look forward to reading your next entry xxx

  5. Readying you. Good start man. <3 Lyli

  6. Great to see you are now blogging your adventures shaun, a great read and looking forward to seeing what you get up to next. As always take care, SpermWerm and Nick le Dick xx

  7. Your blog is great shaun and i am really happy your web page propose a translation. I can read you in french now, so i am happy to still dream because of you. Thank you shaun. Delphine LAFAIX

  8. Hi Delphine, It's nice that you are able to use the gadget in the top left column of the page to translate my writing into your own language. Please take into consideration that I am using wording that I use in talking with other English specking people. So if you truly wish to improve your English understanding, then I feel you will find it here.let me know if I can help you in the future if you get stuck with your English.

  9. A nice blog. Keep blogging.
