
Sunday, 24 September 2017

How far will my messege go:

When it is time to rest up I have to think greatly about my money. In Europe accommodation can range from anything from ten pounds if you're very lucky, up wards.  Eastern European prices are a little lower at the moment,  Asia, Indonesian, again are different stories but are all rapidly creeping up, especially now they have access to the net.  The more developed countries you travel to then it’s best to think about a working visa, If of course you intend to be there for an extended period of time unless you're extremely fortunate in life. But then saying that, having the opportunity to experience work in other countries adds to your bow strings. It depends on what type of travel you wish to do, the reason why and the experience you hope to receive whilst out there. “Everyone is different to a degree”

Hostels, Hotels, B+B ex-a extra are not my haunts in life, I do use them extremely occasionally for different reasons, and they can be positive places, they are a great way to meet like minded people and friends for life or company for a time.

Beware in general ! Of course the odd thief who is completely deluded in life will be some where. They are not always travelers, unfortunately some may be your “friends” listen and trust your intuition you are not a fool. It’s hard to say no, But once you start to use that magic word then things become easier. People will test you in many walks of life, some shout and scream at you, some cunning people will hug and smile at you, call you “ my friend to of guard you” Some threaten you, They look for that weakness and will work you manipulating you, controlling you, “stand your ground in life you will grow ”Bullies and thefts fall rapidly !

My travel is my life, it’s more like my career as some people say. “But then I wouldn't call Scaffolding my hobby” I have learnt over the years how to survive with out easily blowing my fragile budget. How do I do it, everyone thinks I have thousands, If I traveled for a year or more the way the book is written, than yes I am sure I would need thousands. At the end of the day I am a male and for me the way I travel is slightly easier because of my gender, It does not mean to say I am that much safer, I just have a slightly better upper hand and of course I am a little mental that also helps.

When I first went away for the usual gap year I learnt a different type of travel by traveling with the more experienced.  We would sleep out under the stars away from the mainstream of the hostel world, there were many different types of ways that we used to save on a nights accommodation along with washing to keep clean and eating for free, It was a different life for sure, but one that caught me well and truly. A life of excitement and danger,Listens, love and great friendship from all over the world.  Over the years I have expanded on this original blueprint of how to do it, and have been able to use it with great effect that has helped me not just to save money but to grow in life in many areas.

Perhaps I move from place to place a little more faster than most, it’s true I flip a coin on some mornings and play pooh sticks whilst walking across bridges dropping them in the river and streams below to decide my fate for my next move that awaits me. But when it is time to rest, then I truly do need to rest and shut down. I get to a point on the road when I become really depleted, I will be well and truly burnt out. I need a place to stay and it’s like I said before I do sometimes use proper accommodation but, well let me write and you will see.

My best places in life are the mountain's. I will grab enough food to survive for a good number of days, pick an area and get going not really thinking too much about a route of destination, I generally go with what I feel. I put my life truly at risk by going off on my own, without telling anyone what I am up to, things can go drastically wrong with in seconds, not minutes or hours days or night.  As you read on please bear in mind that I am not telling you how to do it, or what to take, I am merely telling you my story.

Nature for me is an amazing place to unwind from life, I find it a great place to reconnect with myself without interference from the outside world. The mountains for me are truly majestic, going to sleep in the mountains at night and waking up at the crack of dawn where man meets nature is hard to describe, at times there are mountains all around me that can stretch out far far into the distance at the right altitude, the snow capped peaks almost call out to me“ come and climb me,come on come and play” You can be sat somewhere in a mountain with clouds beneath your feet like a magic carpet spread out before you that seems so endless, like you could step out onto these blankets of fluffiness and walk across the world peering down onto the unknown.

The mountain water is something that I wish all of you could experience the purity of. The stars that come out at night are the same stars that many many of our great ancestors looked up at, they are the same stars and the same galaxies that have guided many thousands of generations to there destinations and more “that is certainly a special feeling”  The way the moon reflexes of the mountains is spectacular shapes and faces pop up on these mountains as the earth rotates. Sunrise is another story but seeing that tip of energetic light poke its head up makes the mind completely free, “how small we are”

Sometimes I find caves and spend a few night’s there sometimes they are looking out over ocean and others across mountain ranges that  still have glaciers attached to them that are rapidly melting and flowing into cascades of waterfalls that eventually find their way to the great oceans that surround us, and so the circle of life continues. Sometimes I'll be walking along a dirt track looking up at the mountain rage and think “there has to be a cave there” It may take me a hour or two to climb to that place where if I fall then, well that will be me gone.  Coming of those mountains back to normality is a strange feeling almost like I was not meant to ever leave, how addictive they can be.

Depending where I am and what I am up to I may find a spot in the forest or perhaps a spot on the beach where people have set up home for good. In those places I have found that there is a pecking order, and to think you can just rock up and receive hugs from everyone, dance naked around the fire whilst howling at the moon splashed in body paint wearing jungle budgie thongs getting healing of some mystical shaman, then you are clearly mistaken. “I have tried it tho and it is an experience.

A great number of these people are highly educated but they have chosen that enough is enough, and now they live alternatives life’s that is more kinder. Once your face is known and if it fits in,  then they may open up to you where you can learn a lot about so much. New skills how to craft, Science, History, and more. When I was at school I thought all hippies and people looking for that kinder gentler side were lonitics, druggies,alcoholics, thefts and serial killers. But then going out on my own I learnt that this was not the case, and in doing so I have learnt of them, of course not everything I know. They are not all good people admitted, but then nor are the people who live in houses and go to work for various reasons watch T.v and play rated 18 computer games. Kill destroy ! Kill destroy !

If I am not resting up and just after a one night stop then it’s a different ball game altogether.  There are many places where I can get my head down but passing through a city or town getting caught as night sets in,  is my worst nightmare, I hate it !  My sleep will surely be disturbed in one way or another. I hate sleeping around these areas as they are dangerous places as night creeps in.  I always try to be extra careful,  Who is watching me!  Is there anyone following me, These places have been and and are homes to a different  kind of person. For a long time this has been there back yard, tread in the wrong place and it’s good by belongings or more. “Most of these people I have found are endearing and kind” I have been lucky.  In these cities and towns I have found myself climbing up on roofs as dusk falls or onto building sites and derelict buildings for the night's kip, you have to be extremely careful and look for the signs, watch out for used syringes and pick your place carefully. Hospitals are a good option but you get moved on once they know what your upto. Police station in the not so well developed countries are good places, as long as the local drug lords have not got a vendetta against them. “you can't just rock up however” there are ways of doing it all. Then you have the bus and railway stations but these are terrible place of rest and you can get harassed a lot, I have slept in the doorways of shops a fair few times at a push, but again I don't really like doing it.

If your looking to get robbed or more then the good places are parks, and park benches “good luck with that one”  

“Wow” I could write and write about the place that I have slept in and the stories to tell, it’s all coming flooding back. I think it was just 9 months ago I was traveling Sri Lanka, I was  in the far North of the country, in the Tamil area. I had traveld there by bus and when I got of the bus it was really late at night. I did actually try and get a hotel room but no one answered to my knocking and cries of let me in, let me in. I tried at the hospital but got turned away by their aggressive bad mannered security guard to my discus. The police where a little unfriendly as well in that area so I didn't really want to approach them as I am sure my pockets would of been emptied and told to go away. I ended up walking the streets trying to find a place. I had all ready be harassed by a couple of guys who were trying to be clever and funny towards me, I had to watch my back afterwards to make sure they were not following me. It would've been easy for them to jump me it’s there ground after all, To their knowledge and belief I am just a rich western who is loaded up with cash and all the latest electronic gadgets and goodies that even their life savings would not buy them, all they can do is dream about the western world. It must be one hell of a different life truly struggling in poverty not being able to see the world or eat from day to day.

I know this is hard to believe, but in the end I passed some sort of coffin supplier, the front of this shop was open, and the lights were on. Sat in the doorway was a security officer who was watching T.v.  After doing  my best in explaining that I had nowhere to sleep, he understood and let me in where I sleeped at the back of the shop with all the other coffins around me, he even made me a cup of coffee in the morning calling out good morning me Sir ! “coffee”   We chatted as best we could before our good byes.

Experiencing all of this, do you know what makes me shake my head now I have experienced a relatively small part of the flip coin to life ! Is that people have judged me, They looked at me with discussed and blank my many hello’s questions of directions and help, they curz me without even knowing who I am.

My name is Shaun, I am loved by many and many more will love me. I dance in the wind and smile at the sun !

How far will my story go. Love love love x.

“Judged and loved”


  1. Keep posting my dear Hobbit.

    It's a pleasure to read all your texts!

    Best wishes and see you soon!

    1. Thanks Antonio, glad your enjoying the blog. Best wishes to you to see you soon

  2. That was a proper good read! I can really relate to your way of travelling and I can't wait til I get back on the road now! Keep em coming star! LOVE!!

  3. Thanks JahLight, happy travels.

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