
Tuesday, 26 September 2017

A few photos from today

Looking out towards the North Alantic ocean.

Something a little diffrent for you, hope you are enjoying my blog. Please give me some feed back in general.

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Sunday, 24 September 2017

How far will my messege go:

When it is time to rest up I have to think greatly about my money. In Europe accommodation can range from anything from ten pounds if you're very lucky, up wards.  Eastern European prices are a little lower at the moment,  Asia, Indonesian, again are different stories but are all rapidly creeping up, especially now they have access to the net.  The more developed countries you travel to then it’s best to think about a working visa, If of course you intend to be there for an extended period of time unless you're extremely fortunate in life. But then saying that, having the opportunity to experience work in other countries adds to your bow strings. It depends on what type of travel you wish to do, the reason why and the experience you hope to receive whilst out there. “Everyone is different to a degree”

Hostels, Hotels, B+B ex-a extra are not my haunts in life, I do use them extremely occasionally for different reasons, and they can be positive places, they are a great way to meet like minded people and friends for life or company for a time.

Beware in general ! Of course the odd thief who is completely deluded in life will be some where. They are not always travelers, unfortunately some may be your “friends” listen and trust your intuition you are not a fool. It’s hard to say no, But once you start to use that magic word then things become easier. People will test you in many walks of life, some shout and scream at you, some cunning people will hug and smile at you, call you “ my friend to of guard you” Some threaten you, They look for that weakness and will work you manipulating you, controlling you, “stand your ground in life you will grow ”Bullies and thefts fall rapidly !

My travel is my life, it’s more like my career as some people say. “But then I wouldn't call Scaffolding my hobby” I have learnt over the years how to survive with out easily blowing my fragile budget. How do I do it, everyone thinks I have thousands, If I traveled for a year or more the way the book is written, than yes I am sure I would need thousands. At the end of the day I am a male and for me the way I travel is slightly easier because of my gender, It does not mean to say I am that much safer, I just have a slightly better upper hand and of course I am a little mental that also helps.

When I first went away for the usual gap year I learnt a different type of travel by traveling with the more experienced.  We would sleep out under the stars away from the mainstream of the hostel world, there were many different types of ways that we used to save on a nights accommodation along with washing to keep clean and eating for free, It was a different life for sure, but one that caught me well and truly. A life of excitement and danger,Listens, love and great friendship from all over the world.  Over the years I have expanded on this original blueprint of how to do it, and have been able to use it with great effect that has helped me not just to save money but to grow in life in many areas.

Perhaps I move from place to place a little more faster than most, it’s true I flip a coin on some mornings and play pooh sticks whilst walking across bridges dropping them in the river and streams below to decide my fate for my next move that awaits me. But when it is time to rest, then I truly do need to rest and shut down. I get to a point on the road when I become really depleted, I will be well and truly burnt out. I need a place to stay and it’s like I said before I do sometimes use proper accommodation but, well let me write and you will see.

My best places in life are the mountain's. I will grab enough food to survive for a good number of days, pick an area and get going not really thinking too much about a route of destination, I generally go with what I feel. I put my life truly at risk by going off on my own, without telling anyone what I am up to, things can go drastically wrong with in seconds, not minutes or hours days or night.  As you read on please bear in mind that I am not telling you how to do it, or what to take, I am merely telling you my story.

Nature for me is an amazing place to unwind from life, I find it a great place to reconnect with myself without interference from the outside world. The mountains for me are truly majestic, going to sleep in the mountains at night and waking up at the crack of dawn where man meets nature is hard to describe, at times there are mountains all around me that can stretch out far far into the distance at the right altitude, the snow capped peaks almost call out to me“ come and climb me,come on come and play” You can be sat somewhere in a mountain with clouds beneath your feet like a magic carpet spread out before you that seems so endless, like you could step out onto these blankets of fluffiness and walk across the world peering down onto the unknown.

The mountain water is something that I wish all of you could experience the purity of. The stars that come out at night are the same stars that many many of our great ancestors looked up at, they are the same stars and the same galaxies that have guided many thousands of generations to there destinations and more “that is certainly a special feeling”  The way the moon reflexes of the mountains is spectacular shapes and faces pop up on these mountains as the earth rotates. Sunrise is another story but seeing that tip of energetic light poke its head up makes the mind completely free, “how small we are”

Sometimes I find caves and spend a few night’s there sometimes they are looking out over ocean and others across mountain ranges that  still have glaciers attached to them that are rapidly melting and flowing into cascades of waterfalls that eventually find their way to the great oceans that surround us, and so the circle of life continues. Sometimes I'll be walking along a dirt track looking up at the mountain rage and think “there has to be a cave there” It may take me a hour or two to climb to that place where if I fall then, well that will be me gone.  Coming of those mountains back to normality is a strange feeling almost like I was not meant to ever leave, how addictive they can be.

Depending where I am and what I am up to I may find a spot in the forest or perhaps a spot on the beach where people have set up home for good. In those places I have found that there is a pecking order, and to think you can just rock up and receive hugs from everyone, dance naked around the fire whilst howling at the moon splashed in body paint wearing jungle budgie thongs getting healing of some mystical shaman, then you are clearly mistaken. “I have tried it tho and it is an experience.

A great number of these people are highly educated but they have chosen that enough is enough, and now they live alternatives life’s that is more kinder. Once your face is known and if it fits in,  then they may open up to you where you can learn a lot about so much. New skills how to craft, Science, History, and more. When I was at school I thought all hippies and people looking for that kinder gentler side were lonitics, druggies,alcoholics, thefts and serial killers. But then going out on my own I learnt that this was not the case, and in doing so I have learnt of them, of course not everything I know. They are not all good people admitted, but then nor are the people who live in houses and go to work for various reasons watch T.v and play rated 18 computer games. Kill destroy ! Kill destroy !

If I am not resting up and just after a one night stop then it’s a different ball game altogether.  There are many places where I can get my head down but passing through a city or town getting caught as night sets in,  is my worst nightmare, I hate it !  My sleep will surely be disturbed in one way or another. I hate sleeping around these areas as they are dangerous places as night creeps in.  I always try to be extra careful,  Who is watching me!  Is there anyone following me, These places have been and and are homes to a different  kind of person. For a long time this has been there back yard, tread in the wrong place and it’s good by belongings or more. “Most of these people I have found are endearing and kind” I have been lucky.  In these cities and towns I have found myself climbing up on roofs as dusk falls or onto building sites and derelict buildings for the night's kip, you have to be extremely careful and look for the signs, watch out for used syringes and pick your place carefully. Hospitals are a good option but you get moved on once they know what your upto. Police station in the not so well developed countries are good places, as long as the local drug lords have not got a vendetta against them. “you can't just rock up however” there are ways of doing it all. Then you have the bus and railway stations but these are terrible place of rest and you can get harassed a lot, I have slept in the doorways of shops a fair few times at a push, but again I don't really like doing it.

If your looking to get robbed or more then the good places are parks, and park benches “good luck with that one”  

“Wow” I could write and write about the place that I have slept in and the stories to tell, it’s all coming flooding back. I think it was just 9 months ago I was traveling Sri Lanka, I was  in the far North of the country, in the Tamil area. I had traveld there by bus and when I got of the bus it was really late at night. I did actually try and get a hotel room but no one answered to my knocking and cries of let me in, let me in. I tried at the hospital but got turned away by their aggressive bad mannered security guard to my discus. The police where a little unfriendly as well in that area so I didn't really want to approach them as I am sure my pockets would of been emptied and told to go away. I ended up walking the streets trying to find a place. I had all ready be harassed by a couple of guys who were trying to be clever and funny towards me, I had to watch my back afterwards to make sure they were not following me. It would've been easy for them to jump me it’s there ground after all, To their knowledge and belief I am just a rich western who is loaded up with cash and all the latest electronic gadgets and goodies that even their life savings would not buy them, all they can do is dream about the western world. It must be one hell of a different life truly struggling in poverty not being able to see the world or eat from day to day.

I know this is hard to believe, but in the end I passed some sort of coffin supplier, the front of this shop was open, and the lights were on. Sat in the doorway was a security officer who was watching T.v.  After doing  my best in explaining that I had nowhere to sleep, he understood and let me in where I sleeped at the back of the shop with all the other coffins around me, he even made me a cup of coffee in the morning calling out good morning me Sir ! “coffee”   We chatted as best we could before our good byes.

Experiencing all of this, do you know what makes me shake my head now I have experienced a relatively small part of the flip coin to life ! Is that people have judged me, They looked at me with discussed and blank my many hello’s questions of directions and help, they curz me without even knowing who I am.

My name is Shaun, I am loved by many and many more will love me. I dance in the wind and smile at the sun !

How far will my story go. Love love love x.

“Judged and loved”

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Airport adventures

WIth my new  haircut, clean shaven look and updated clothes,  I set of to the airport ready for round two, I feel much better in my new clothes as they were truly hanging of my body, people were giving me very strange looks, I was even followed around shops by security I was looking that bad.  It’s late in the evening when I reach the airport for my flight that I am really not looking forward to. I am shattered and tired from the lack of sleep and find myself trying to keep my head together so I can find the correct check-in counter to get rid  of this rucksack that is starting to bother me.

“The buzz starts to kick in at the airport that I am off on another journey, a journey that I do not know where I will end up, all I have done is booked the ticket, I have no accommodation setup my plan is to just rock up and see what happens, something will happen for sure it always does. Then the plan will unfold as each step and each breath is taken and each decision will be made as each minute passis  in that foreign land that I am eager to reach.

I find my check-in counter by scrolling down the information flight board, scanning for a colour and number that matches my itinerary. I find the information that I need and make my way to the counter. I walk past the wrapping machine that secures your baggage in transit with around 20 wraps of plastic that is non recyclable at cost of ten pounds or something,  And sure enough it reminds me of a birthday present gone wrong whilst walking past it.

I stand in line at counter number 306 in that all familiar zig zag line waiting to check in, checking everyone out wondering what their up to,  and what adventures wait in line for them.

No one is stood behind me at the moment, but then I see something that I start to dread. I shut my eyes at the now approaching problem, I calculate that I have around 30min to wait my turn to reach the check-in to rid me of this baggage that I am now kicking slowly towards the end of it’s time, surely this is not happening! I can feel my head bagging from the day's draining heat because I have not drunk enough water throughout the day to keep hydrated, I am feeling irritable tired and snappy, and now I got to deal with this, I just want to push through past security to departure lounge to where I can just sit and watch humanity drift on by.

The problem stands behind me, and I can see that this man has no partner to help him and I feel for him. I look at him in the eyes with this look of “are you serious” he looks to one side then back at me, I raise my eyebrows with this stern look across myface, for that moment I do not feel human. The emotions have got hold of me like a wild animal, caged and unable to escape. Then I get kicked straight in the back of the leg, did that just happen “ I think to myself” I shut my eyes and breath, again it happens, with that I turn around to look at this man, I then look down at this 4 year old  who has decided that I will be his victim for the duration.  He stares up at me as if lost he has not stopped screaming since his arrival at terminal 3. The cry of tears pour out with this screeching that I am sure he has perfected in his 4 years of his earthly life.  “bless his little soul; This man that I believe is his  father now holds him in his arms to comfort him but unfortunately his cries have now intensified as the youngset is now at ear height,  a ringing starts in my ears that give me flashbacks from underground raves back in the  90s where music had no sound regulations.

My eyes feel like they are spinning around my head like a fruit machine gone wrong, I slap my head to re-adjust my built in app to focus on reality once again. As the cue slowly disappears in front of me I find myself at the front waiting eager for the next free check-in to pop up. It’s my turn, I walk forward to where the check-in lady greets me where I greet her back and throw my bag on the baggage belt where it is weighed and taken off to the plane. I hand her my documents, happy to be stood there and putting the past 30min behind me with a smile as if it had never happened.

I get my boarding card and she hands back my rather tatty passport where the markings of the country from where it belongs to has been erased from a great deal of use. I rush to security, where the army of procedures start, pat downs are in full swing. I line up with the rest of the now waitting airport watching everyone stumbling through their pockets to make sure they have no loss change for the security machine to pick up on. One lady is behind me another in front, we approach the scanner  and security tells the lady to take of her shoes,  she looks towards me and we shrug our shoulders at the drama. As I approach for my turn, security tells me to take off my shoes in case I have stuffed some sort of surprise in there, that I may use in some high tech hijack along with my sidekick, the most dangerous granny in the world who is now getting patted down by security.

The lady turns her head towards me as I roll my head back to say “please no”. I take my boots of and the pungent smell quickly enters the air, that drift's towards the scanner were security raises their head’s at me, “ I bet I get patted down I think to myself, but they almost rush me through.

Freedom ! the departure lounge, but first  I have to make it through the cosmetic duty free shop to where half the airport is trying out the choking aftershave and perfume in a bid to hide their natural smell that is going to attract so much beauty. I get through just in time before nearly passing out and falling helplessly to the ground from holding my breath a little to long as I got lost in a cloud of  Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Jean paul gaultier chanel, Emporio armani and god knows what else that was being sprayed out into the ozone layer.

The hussel and bussel of people, the different colors of life how beautiful it is. I sit back and people watch, people sat in bars having a beer or coffee in hand, chatting away laughing and joking, or just sat there on their laptops & smartphones connecting to the cyber life style of business pleasure or wherever the click of the button takes them to. The look of excitement in some, and the look of worry in others as they approach a time when their humanoid body will soon be strapped into a huge chunk of metal and boosted into the atmosphere by the human's creation, with fingers and toes crossed in a hope that they arrive safly to their destinations around the world.

I get chatting to a few people who are very interesting, one is a businessman and we chat for half hour before his flight is ready, we say our goodbyes never to meet each other again in life.  The other person is a very sophisticated looking lady who catches my attention whilst I pop up to a bar to grab a coffee, she walks up behind me and stands to the side of me, I can't really be bothered to talk but she looks at me, so I say hi, a conversation starts and we end up sitting on a table chatting away the time, we get caught up in the moment and she nearly missis her flight dashing of leaving a trail of fire behind her.

I wonder of to my gate passing people sprawled across the floor trying to get some sleep, well others have kicked off their shoes to rest their feet. At the boarding gate I show my boarding pass and passport for the final check of identification and that I am boarding the correct flight, then I proceed down the ramp to  the waiting plane and it’s crew. I am greeted by the flight attendants with there friendly faces, and told where my seat is.

I walk towards my seat up the plane's aisle with the other passengers, the ones who are seated stare at us others with blank faces, some already have their headphones in bopping away to there music. Some people are standing trying there best to fit their hand luggage into the overhead compartments while the rest of us wait patiently behind them, and the cabin crew twiddle their thumbs impatiently at the chaos that is a familiar annoying sight I am sure. I find my seat D11 that is next to a man who is well and truly on his way to fame, by listening to his music via his headphones whilst tapping both hands on his legs with his lips and eyes tightly shut, in the moment for sure.  

With the plane now full, bags rammed into the overhead lockers and everyone seated, the flight crew prepare for take off, checking and re-checking, now happy to stand in the aisle doing there emergency briefing to the odd person who takes note. “I swear they should make it into a dance routine to get people's attention, the dance Y.M.C.A would be fabulous and would go down a treat.

Strapped in I wonder where I will sleep on my early morning arrival. Take off, my ears pop and food is served.

Airport adventures:

Sunday, 10 September 2017

The Harvest Moon

As the sun started to rise in the Southern region of Spain,called Andalusia. I brushed of the sand from the beaches of the touristic Costa del sol, and headed inland towards an area called  “The Serrania Ronda”  Where I planned to spend my time in the mountains and surrounding villages, where time stands still. To witnesses the rise of September's full moon that is named the Harvest moon.

As usual I had no real plan in place to how I was going to get there. In the end I hitchhiked “hitched” a ride but got dropped off a little short of my destination. It was a really beautiful mountain village just on the border of the Serrania Ronda, a place that captured my heart in that blissful moment, so I changed my plan and decided to spend the rest of the day and night there. As dusk started to set in I found a great spot to camp, fortunate enough to witness the sunset and the moon rise whilst having a brew. This was the start of what was to be a brilliant adventure.

The next day I headed out to where I originally planned on getting to. I hitched a ride at a petrol station after talking to someone who was filling their car up with fuel, by asking them if they were going that way and making them laugh by doing the funky chicken dance “it helps” I Later arrived at another village where I was greeted with warm gestures of “Hola” and smiley faces. I headed to the bars and parks in search of Information on the surrounding area knowing that these places are the local haunts of the community, and that the old boyz who were born and bred in these parts are a good catch who hold secrets from the past, and can leed you to some pretty cool adventures. After meeting some great people and sharing some interesting stories and laughter, I got a plan up together with a rough idea to where a trail started from, and where I hoped to roughly finish back  within view of the ocean. I grabbed my supplies and set off in search for the starting point eager to reach a nice spot for the coming “Harvest moon”

Going a little wrong to start with, nearly ending  up in the jaws of a snarling snapping unhappy dog, that looked like a bad version from the dog out of the comedy film “Beethoven” I remember thinking to myself “My, what big jaws you have” Before back tracking rather rapidly hoping there were no holes in this rather tatty looking fence, that seemed to hold this unhappy hound behind it, from having his snack and using my bones as toothpicks. “However I did have a backup plan that worked for Crocodile Dundee when a water buffalo wouldn't move out his way;

Soon after I found the trail that took me upwards into the mountain range. As I wandered on the trail I passed through Spanish cork oak forest, before heading to higher ground. “I believe the Spanish harvest the bark for corking wine bottles and making cork flooring” It was a great day with a lot of varied terrain from small forest, to mountain passes and olive tree plantations, river beds and much more trekking around 28km. Without a map, but with some common sense along with the information from the village locals, the day worked out nicely. The day’s temperature was bearable whilst the humming sound of mother nature played music to my ears. I even managed to have a dip in some water holes that I found along the way to freshen up from the day’s trek, along with a few rest stops whilst enjoying the panoramic views of the Spanish countryside.

Time was  moving on, and I was now reasonably close to a village. I started to look for a place to camp where I was attracted to a high point that looked appealing, and from where I would get a view of the sea. Should be the perfect spot for the full moon “I thought to myself “ I had to scramble a little through some rough ground that had a lot of gorse bush and loose rock underfoot . It was not the easiest of climbs, trying to find a trail that would take me to what seemed out of reach at that moment in time, but still I battled through.

After a while my battered and scratched legs that took the brunt of the harsh Spanish scrub found a goat's trail that took me to the higher ground whilst getting a nose full of the wild aromas of the Spanish great outdoors.

It was a beautiful evening, as I climbed higher I looked out to a mountain range in the distance, the colors had started to change from their daytime dazzling oray of terracotta colours, to a more sutul light misty colour. Whilst looking out I saw the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti), also known as the Iberian imperial eagle, along with the giant Griffon Vulture’s, that have a wingspan of 2.8 metres and weighing in at around 8 kilos. Gliding in the air with their impressive wing span across the valley and above my position, they looked so peaceful and tranquil, The Griffon’s came closer and closer to me, so I took my pack off and had a rest using my pack as a backrest. I lay there comfortable in the warmth from the early evening sun, letting my mind wander whilst watching these magical mystical creatures. I started to imagine what it must of been like back in the jurassic time when dinosaurs ruled the world, and the flying Pterodactyl  properly called “pterosaurs” ruled the skies. What a world it must of been “I remember thinking to myself “

Some of these Griffins seemed to be landing behind a huge rocky outpost, that was to the right and just below me, but I couldn't really see. With my camera in hand  I snuck down to a point where I thought i’d be able pear over the edge to get a better look. As I peered over the edge to my amazement, there was a giant Griffin just the other side perched perfectly on this ledge, overlooking the valley like a church gargoyle.  I'm not sure who was more startled me or the prehistoric giant. I was that close it was almost like I could see myself in the reflection of his big black eye, where I am sure this Species must of felt the same. He hunched down took another look at me, then launched himself off into the open air circling back around to view this strange creature that had popped his head out to say hi. I moved away and lay back down watching the magnificent birds for a while with the mountains in the background, and the smell of the aromas that filled the open air before finally moving on.

I reached the top of the mountain adventurly in time to set up camp. It was the perfect spot ! I had the sunsetting in the west, mountains that stretched from west to east, with the moon appearing  northeast over the ridge of a mountain that later showed itself over the mediterranean sea, to the south I could see Gibraltar, and behind Gibraltar in the far distance Morocco, that lite up in a golden orange color as the sun started to fade behind the horizon in the west.

I sat on rock watching the sunset, a cloud passed in front of the sun for a moment that made it a deep red colour at the bottom, and a orangy yellow at the top, how beautiful it was. With a gentle warm breeze floating up from below the valley floor, drifting in from the warm mediterranean sea that glittered in all it’s glory like a bowl of diamonds from the last rays of the day's sunlight, was a truly warming experience. As I sat there on my rocky outpost I could hear and see the soft distant sound of daily life from the village way below me coming to an end with the odd dog barking, cars moving from place to place snaking around the windy mountain roads to reach where life would take them to. The sound of the insects still busy going about their daily tasks for survival and the mountain goat bell’s with the sort warm mediterranean breeze blowing gently past my ears where the noises that kept me company whilst dusk settled into night.

The moon took it’s place and a new scenery stepped into show it’s oray of light and glory along with the hidden gems. The moon's light now taking over from the sun's rays sparkling of the sea, distant villars now appeared that were hidden in the strong sunlight of day, came out of their hiding places all lite up like palaces from the Arabian world, and it’s riches.

Now the daytime insects a sleep, it was time for the bush crickets to keep me company  by rubbing the upper and lower parts of their wings together making that all too famous chirping sound called “stridulating”  I sat there watching the moon and stars picking out the different star constellation as time gently drifted by. I finally hit the sack and slowly started to drifted off to sleep whilst listening to the army of mosquitos trying to penetrate my impregnable fortress, that sounded more like a second world war film as the Japanese dive bombed Pearl harbour, whilst aggravating them by smiling and blowing air in their general direction knowing full well I was not on there vampirish “A la carte menu”  that they seemed quite upset about.

I woke very early the next morning as the full moon beamed into my face like a bad wake up call that most have experienced in life, from the switch of a light where we condemned the invention of electricity. My weary eyes now use to the moon's dazzle, I lay there for a moment in time lapping it up whilst  watching through the mesh of my tent, I then decided to get up and sit on a rock that overlooked the Med. It was stunning to witness such a phenomenon, with shadows that played amongst the rock formation to where I was sat. I eventually packed my kit after watching the sunrise and started my descent to the village and it’s inhabitants.

As I finally reached the village I stumbled into a bar, with my proud, sweaty smelling body, dirty rags and rough travelers look. I ordered a coffee where I got talking to some locals at the bar who were of to work. They mentioned a place in another area where they spoke of canyons and waterfalls that sounded irresistible. It just so happens that they were going in that direction,

And that is another story !  

I hope you have enjoyed this week's blog whilst sipping on your coffee or gulping down a smoothie. Why not get involved and give me some feed back and spread the word to keep me blogging.

Thanks to the people who gave me some advice on “grammar” And to those willing to help. “I still need to work on this;

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Sand & Sea.

How to write a blog,For me it’s not the easiest task in the world !

 I travel light so I only have a Android phone to work of,  I think  building my own page will take some time and I am sure the page will change over the course as I blog.

I left the U.K in April 2016 on my own as usual, venturing into some truly amazing places that are very remote and equally hard to get to. They have been extremely rewarding and sometimes dangerous pushing the boundaries as much as I dared to, meeting people from different walks of life who have extremely different views has been a great opportunity to learn. Travel books do not write about such places for your Embassy's would advice greatly against travel to such destination's, thoses places I will hold dearly to my heart.

Right now you could say I am taking a slightly easier approach to travel. I am in Spain killing some time waiting for my next adventure to begin, that I have rumbling around in my head that is greatly putting  a smile on my face and making my feet yet again very unsettled.

I like Spain, the Spanish people and the way of life, okay it takes some getting use to Mañana Mañana ! But hey all the same you get use to it and there siestas ! Spain is such a diverse place. I use to think it was all sun sea and sand, but when I finally traveled here properly back in 2005, I found an extraordinary country full of strong culture, a huge range of scenery from Mountains to dry barren land to great rivers and beautiful forests. The old parts of Spain are truly enchanting with their old cobbled streets that wind and twist through out North, East, South, West, that seem guarded by overlooked townhouse that are decorated with stone white wash walls and the most beautiful arrangement of pot plants that I have seen to date, water fountains dot the streets and hidden corners of this beautiful country that they name proudly “Spain” The spanish themselves are extremely proud people very patriotic it’s great and very warming to see and be surrounded by.

I love experiencing their way of life and of course the sun or snow depending on the place. The age dot the benches hidden by the shade of the trees chatting away, laughing and joking and perhaps talking of how times have changed, In the hours where the heat is dimmed they play bowls and drink  coffee sharing times of friendship with one another. How their life seems relaxed !

I have been hanging around an area lately where many tourists are, organizing myself, updating one would call it as it's been awhile since I last brought any clothes, they all seem to be hanging of me even my socks walked of and left me just the other day ! All the same it has given me the time to sit back and relax instead of being on the constant move.  It’s nice to see people laying on the beach chilling laughing, lapping up the sun as  it beats down in it’s 29°c  blaze of glory here on the Costa del sol where the sangria and much more flow like a torrent river at times.

For me I sit here chilling watching the world go by listening to the odd conversation as they walk past me watching very carefully what money I have! Some muttering away about what they will have for tea tonight, others whether  the the beer is in the fridge for tonight and where they will eat. Sure many tourist still walk around with their proud bright pink skin looking as if a fishmonger has picked them up and plonked them into a boiling crab pot preparing them and dressing them for supper.

Some look at me and don't really know what to make as they look at my tattered clothing and smell that is now actually visible, that does not need the talent of a noise to work out. “It's not really that bad” I nod and smile with my worn rucksack beside me accompanied by my trekking boots that are kicked off to one side, sunnies on writing this to be blog happy and content, it's fun that's for sure looking from the other side of life.

May be I should book myself into a hostel but it’s not my style and I can't afford the €15-€20 plus a night hostel or hotel, let alone the strong possibility of heavy snoring backpackers and bright lights getting switched on at silly o'clock in the morning because they have forgot what manners are and a red light on a head torch !

Right now I can hear the distant call of the  Andalusian mountains calling, The sunsets light them golden orange colours, they are truly hard to ignore so I will see what the next few weeks bring.

I will aim to post each Sunday hope my first blog is a good start. Enjoy !